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Mining JIT traces for missing optimizations with Z3

In my last post I've described how to use Z3 to find simple local peephole optimization patterns for the integer operations in PyPy's JIT. An example is int_and(x, 0) -> 0. In this post I want to scale up the problem of identifying possible optimizations to much bigger instruction sequences, also using Z3. For that, I am starting with the JIT traces of real benchmarks, after they have been optimized by the optimizer of PyPy's JIT. Then we can ask Z3 to find inefficient integer operations in those traces.

Starting from the optimized traces of real programs has some big advantages over the "classical" superoptimization approach of generating and then trying all possible sequences of instructions. It avoids the combinatorial explosion that happens with the latter approach. Also, starting from the traces of benchmarks or (even better) actual programs makes sure that we actually care about the missing optimizations that are found in this way. And because the traces are analyzed after they have been optimized by PyPy's optimizer, we only get reports for missing optimizations, that the JIT isn't able to do (yet).

The techniques and experiments I describe in this post are again the result of a bunch of discussions with John Regehr at a conference a few weeks ago, as well as reading his blog posts and papers. Thanks John! Also thanks to Max Bernstein for super helpful feedback on the drafts of this blog post (and for poking me to write things in general).

High-Level Approach

The approach that I took works as follows:

  • Run benchmarks or other interesting programs and then dump the IR of the JIT traces into a file. The traces have at that point been already optimized by the PyPy JIT's optimizer.
  • For every trace, ignore all the operations on non-integer variables.
  • Translate every integer operation into a Z3 formula.
  • For every operation, use Z3 to find out whether the operation is redundant (how that is done is described below).
  • If the operation is redundant, the trace is less efficient than it could have been, because the optimizer could also have removed the operation. Report the inefficiency.
  • Minimize the inefficient programs by removing as many operations as possible to make the problem easier to understand.

In the post I will describe the details and show some pseudocode of the approach. I'll also make the proper code public eventually (but it needs a healthy dose of cleanups first).

Dumping PyPy Traces

PyPy will write its JIT traces into the file out if the environment variable PYPYLOG is set as follows:

PYPYLOG=jit-log-opt:out pypy <>

This environment variable works for PyPy, but also for other virtual machines built with RPython.

(This is really a side point for the rest of the blog post, but since the question came up I wanted to clarify it: Operations on integers in the Python program that the JIT is running don't all correspond 1-to-1 with the int_... operations in the traces. The int_... trace operations always operate on machine words. The Python int type supports arbitrarily large integers. PyPy will optimistically try to lower the operations on Python integers into machine word operations, but adds the necessary guards into the trace to make sure that overflow outside of the range of machine words is caught. In case one of these guards fails the interpreter switches to a big integer heap-allocated representation.)

Encoding Traces as Z3 formulas

The last blog post already contained the code to encode the results of individual trace operations into Z3 formulas, so we don't need to repeat that here. To encode traces of operations we introduce a Z3 variable for every operation in the trace and then call the z3_expression function for every single one of the operations in the trace.

For example, for the following trace:

i2 = uint_rshift(i1, 32)
i3 = int_and(i2, 65535)
i4 = uint_rshift(i1, 48)
i5 = int_lshift(i4, 16)
i6 = int_or(i5, i3)
jump(i6, i2) # equal

We would get the Z3 formula:

z3.And(i2 == LShR(i1, 32),
       i3 == i2 & 65535,
       i4 == LShR(i1, 48),
       i5 == i4 << 16)

Usually we won't ask for the formula of the whole trace at once. Instead we go through the trace operation by operation and try to find inefficiencies in the current one we are looking at. Roughly like this (pseudo-)code:

def newvar(name):
    return z3.BitVec(name, INTEGER_WIDTH)

def find_inefficiencies(trace):
    solver = z3.Solver()
    var_to_z3var = {}
    for input_argument in trace.inputargs:
        var_to_z3var[input_argument] = newz3var(input_argument)
    for op in trace:
        var_to_z3var[op] = z3resultvar = newz3var(op.resultvarname)
        arg0 = op.args[0]
        z3arg0 = var_to_z3var[arg0]
        if len(op.args) == 2:
            arg1 = op.args[1]
            z3arg1 = var_to_z3var[arg1]
            z3arg1 = None
        res, valid_if = z3_expression(, z3arg0, z3arg1)
        # checking for inefficiencies, see the next sections
        if ...:
            return "inefficient", op

        # not inefficient, assert op into the solver and continue with the next op
        solver.add(z3resultvar == res)
    return None # no inefficiency found

Identifying constant booleans with Z3

To get started finding inefficiencies in a trace, we can first focus on boolean variables. For every operation in the trace that returns a bool we can ask Z3 to prove that this variable must be always True or always False. Most of the time, neither of these proofs will succeed. But if Z3 manages to prove one of them, we know have found an ineffiency: instead of computing the boolean result (eg by executing a comparison) the JIT's optimizer could have replaced the operation with the corresponding boolean constant.

Here's an example of an inefficiency found that way: if x < y and y < z are both true, PyPy's JIT could conclude that x < z must also be true. However, currently the JIT cannot make that conclusion because it only reasons about the concrete ranges (lower and upper bounds) for every integer variable, but it has no way to remember anything about relationships between different variables. This kind of reasoning would quite often be useful to remove list/string bounds checks. Here's a talk about how LLVM does this (but it might be too heavyweight for a JIT setting).

Here are some more examples found that way:

  • x - 1 == x is always False
  • x - (x == -1) == -1 is always False. The pattern x - (x == -1) happens a lot in PyPy's hash computations: To be compatible with the CPython hashes we need to make sure that no object's hash is -1 (CPython uses -1 as an error value on the C level).

Here's pseudo-code for how to implement checking boolean operations for inefficiencies:

def find_inefficiencies(trace):
    for op in trace:
        res, valid_if = z3_expression(, z3arg0, z3arg1)
        # check for boolean constant result
        if op.has_boolean_result():
            if prove(solver, res == 0):
                return "inefficient", op, 0
            if prove(solver, res == 1):
                return "inefficient", op, 1
        # checking for other inefficiencies, see the next sections

        # not inefficient, add op to the solver and continue with the next op
        solver.add(z3resultvar == res)
    return None # no inefficiency found

Identifying redundant operations

A more interesting class of redundancy is to try to find two operations in a trace that compute the same result. We can do that by asking Z3 to prove for each pair of different operations in the trace to prove that the result is always the same. If a previous operation returns the same result, the JIT could have reused that result instead of re-computing it, saving time. Doing this search for equivalent operations with Z3 is quadratic in the number of operations, but since traces have a maximum length it is not too bad in practice.

This is the real workhorse of my script so far, it's what finds most of the inefficiencies. Here's a few examples:

  • The very first and super useful example the script found is int_eq(b, 1) == b if b is known to be a boolean (ie and integer 0 or 1). I have already implemented this optimization in the JIT.
  • Similarly, int_and(b, 1) == b for booleans.
  • (x << 4) & -0xf == x << 4
  • ((x >> 63) << 1) << 2) >> 3 == x >> 63. In general the JIT is quite bad at optimizing repeated shifts (the infrastructure for doing better with that is already in place, so this will be a relatively easy fix).
  • (x & 0xffffffff) | ((x >> 32) << 32) == x. Having the JIT optimize this would maybe require first recognizing that (x >> 32) << 32 can be expressed as a mask: (x & 0xffffffff00000000), and then using (x & c1) | (x & c2) == x & (c1 | c2)
  • A commonly occurring pattern is variations of this one: ((x & 1345) ^ 2048) - 2048 == x & 1345 (with different constants, of course). xor is add without carry, and x & 1345 does not have the bit 2048 set. Therefore the ^ 2048 is equivalent to + 2048, which the - 2048 cancels. More generally, if a & b == 0, then a + b == a | b == a ^ b. I don't understand at all why this appears so often in the traces, but I see variations of it a lot. LLVM can optimize this, but GCC can't, thanks to Andrew Pinski for filing the bug!

And here's some implementation pseudo-code again:

def find_inefficiencies(trace):
    for op in trace:
        res, valid_if = z3_expression(, z3arg0, z3arg1)
        # check for boolean constant result
        # searching for redundant operations
        for previous_op in trace:
            if previous_op is op:
                break # done, reached the current op
            previous_op_z3var = var_to_z3var[previous_op]
            if prove(solver, previous_op_z3var == res):
                return "inefficient", op, previous_op
        # more code here later

        # not inefficient, add op to the solver and continue with the next op
        solver.add(z3resultvar == res)
    return None # no inefficiency found

Synthesizing more complicated constants with exists-forall

To find out whether some integer operations always return a constant result, we can't simply use the same trick as for those operations that return boolean results, because enumerating 2⁶⁴ possible constants and checking them all would take too long. Like in the last post, we can use z3.ForAll to find out whether Z3 can synthesize a constant for the result of an operation for us. If such a constant exists, the JIT could have removed the operation, and replaced it with the constant that Z3 provides.

Here a few examples of inefficiencies found this way:

  • (x ^ 1) ^ x == 1 (or, more generally: (x ^ y) ^ x == y)
  • if x | y == 0, it follows that x == 0 and y == 0
  • if x != MAXINT, then x + 1 > x

Implementing this is actually slightly annoying. The solver.add calls for non-inefficient ops add assertions to the solver, which are now confusing the z3.ForAll query. We could remove all assertion from the solver, then do the ForAll query, then add the assertions back. What I ended doing instead was instantiating a second solver object that I'm using for the ForAll queries, that remains empty the whole time.

def find_inefficiencies(trace):
    solver = z3.Solver()
    empty_solver = z3.Solver()
    var_to_z3var = {}
    for op in trace:
        res, valid_if = z3_expression(, z3arg0, z3arg1)
        # check for boolean constant result
        # searching for redundant operations
        # checking for constant results
        constvar = z3.BitVec('find_const', INTEGER_WIDTH)
        condition = z3.ForAll(
                expr == constvar
        if empty_solver.check(condition) == z3.sat:
            model = empty_solver.model()
            const = model[constvar].as_signed_long()
            return "inefficient", op, const

        # not inefficient, add op to the solver and continue with the next op
        solver.add(z3resultvar == res)
    return None # no inefficiency found


Analyzing an inefficiency by hand in the context of a larger trace is quite tedious. Therefore I've implemented a (super inefficient) script to try to make the examples smaller. Here's how that works:

  • First throw out all the operations that occur after the inefficient operation in the trace.
  • Then we remove all "dead" operations, ie operations that don't have their results used (all the operations that we can analyze with Z3 are without side effects).
  • Now we try to remove every guard in the trace one by one and check afterwards, whether the resulting trace still has an inefficiency.
  • We also try to replace every single operation with a new argument to the trace, to see whether the inefficiency is still present.

The minimization process is sort of inefficient and I should probably be using shrinkray or C-Reduce instead. However, it seems to work well in practice and the runtime isn't too bad.


So far I am using the JIT traces of three programs: 1) Booting Linux on the Pydrofoil RISC-V emulator, 2) booting Linux on the Pydrofoil ARM emulator, and 3) running the PyPy bootstrap process on top of PyPy.

I picked these programs because most Python programs don't contain interesting amounts of integer operations, and the traces of the emulators contain a lot of them. I also used the bootstrap process because I still wanted to try a big Python program and personally care about the runtime of this program a lot.

The script identifies 94 inefficiencies in the traces, a lot of them come from repeating patterns. My next steps will be to manually inspect them all, categorize them, and implement easy optimizations identified that way. I also want a way to sort the examples by execution count in the benchmarks, to get a feeling for which of them are most important.

I didn't investigate the full set of Python benchmarks that PyPy uses yet, because I don't expect them to contain interesting amounts of integer operations, but maybe I am wrong about that? Will have to try eventually.


This was again much easier to do than I would have expected! Given that I had the translation of trace ops to Z3 already in place, it was a matter of about a day's of programming to use this infrastructure to find the first problems and minimizing them.

Reusing the results of existing operations or replacing operations by constants can be seen as "zero-instruction superoptimization". I'll probably be rather busy for a while to add the missing optimizations identified by my simple script. But later extensions to actually synthesize one or several operations in the attempt to optimize the traces more and find more opportunities should be possible.

Finding inefficiencies in traces with Z3 is significantly less annoying and also less error-prone than just manually inspecting traces and trying to spot optimization opportunities.

Random Notes and Sources

Again, John's blog posts:

and papers:

I remembered recently that I had seen the approach of optimizing the traces of a tracing JIT with Z3 a long time ago, as part of the (now long dead, I think) SPUR project. There's a workshop paper from 2010 about this. SPUR was trying to use Z3 built into the actual JIT (as opposed to using Z3 only to find places where the regular optimizers could be improved). In addition to bitvectors, SPUR also used the Z3 support for arrays to model the C# heap and remove redundant stores. This is still another future extension for all the Z3 work I've been doing in the context of the PyPy JIT.
